Thursday, 10 December 2015

Calming Effects of Continuum

This latest video is inspired by a client asking recently with some astonishment, "I feel so calm after doing this Continuum sound. How does that work?"

The video includes a brief guided exploration with a Continuum sound.

Please leave your comments and questions below, or submit them to me at I will do my best to respond to your questions in future videoblog posts.

Thanks for watching!


  1. Beautiful Cherionna. Feeling so calm and still after some very deep (in tone) and strongly vibrating eeeeeeeeeee’s in my heart. Thank you <3 <3 <3 Mags in Ireland

  2. Thanks Mags for your comment. I'm so glad you have been able to benefit from this. May the calm and still and eeeeeeee's be with you through the holidays and as long as they can support you!

  3. Thank you Cherionna, I plan to add this intention, vocalization,and contact to my heart to my morning breathing meditation. I also have been reading about the Vagus nerve recently...thank you for making that connection too, Jeffrey

  4. Thank you Jeffrey. I'd love to hear how it is for you adding this to you morning breathing meditation! And, yes, Vagus is making the rounds! It is, after all, the "wandering" nerve!
