Rather than responding to questions this time, I am responding to the requests of many of my Continuum Movement students to provide a recording of the kind of guided settling I tend to lead the group in at the beginning of Continuum classes and workshops.
This 30-minute exploration of cellular awareness guides you in subtle sensing within your body of tissues, cells, breath, movement and support. This meditation was recorded during a Continuum Movement workshop, Fluid Development, in Stroud, UK in May 2015. It was the beginning of an extended Continuum inquiry and you can use it either as the beginning of a Continuum dive, if you are familiar with Continuum, or as a restful meditation. If you are just using it as a meditation on its own, make sure you take your time to gently open your eyes and come back into the room you are in at the end. It is ideally done lying down on your back.
May this meditation support you in deepening into restful, peaceful presence and aliveness within your own body.
Within the context of the Fluid Development workshop, cellular breathing or respiration may be considered our original developmental movement pattern, as identified by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, founder of Body-Mind Centering (BMC). I studied BMC extensively with Susan Aposhyan as part of my MA in Dance/Movement Psychotherapy, as well as a two year training with her in Body-Mind Psychotherapy (BMP). BMP applies the principles and practice of BMC to psychotherapy. I have found this work one of the major influences both in my own journey of embodiment and in how I work with clients. This Fluid Development workshop series involves Continuum Movement inquiry inspired by important developmental movement patterns from conception through the first year after birth, enriched by awareness of prenatal and birth psychology. Part 3, exploring movement in the first year of life after birth, when we learn to navigate in relationship to gravity, as well as moving within the relational field of our family, happens in Stroud, UK July 10th - 13th. For more information and to register, click here.
For more information on Continuum Movement and Cherionna Menzam-Sills, please visit my website at www.birthingyourlife.org.
Please feel free to submit your comments and questions below or by sending me an email at cherionna@cherionna.com